Thursday, February 28, 2013


The first one I like except for the fact that the white balance looks wacky since her back is lit by lamps while her face is lit by the cool light of dusk.  

This is how Ella pretends to be a princess.  She wraps herself up in a blanket.  I'm not sure what movie/show taught her that but since we already own tons of blankets (and no princess dresses) we're just going with it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I'm really feeling at a loss creatively lately.  I guess my life is boring at the moment.  But really, I think it is just that I'm tired all day.  I work nights and generally feel drained during the day (especially after I work several nights in a row.  I perk up at night but then there is no good light left.  I need to figure out some cool shots to get with artificial light at night.

In the get part of what I made for dinner.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I know I've been slacking...

It didn't help that I worked all weekend again.  I am at a loss at work of what to take a picture of (that I'm allowed to take a picture of).  My creativity is just...gone when I look around.

But now I have 10 days off.  No excuses.  Here was a cute one I got of my daughter playing in her room.  She loves to take her stuffed animals in and out of her bed/crib.  Here she is reaching in again.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


What Ella and Mike do for fun most YouTube videos together!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


The progress I am making on my daughter's bed. (I built it and am now in the process of painting it!)

(Only iPhone pics this weekend since I'm working)

Thursday, February 21, 2013


A old house I have driven by a thousand times.  This style of home was what inspired the remodel on our own (Green Revival).

I would have loved to have backed up a bit but I was up to a fence and a road after that.  (By the way, those windows aren't blown out...they are actually just boarded up with lighter wood).

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I only took an iPhone picture today. Here we are at our local skating rink. They open it up to strollers, ride-on toys and pedal-less bikes (like Ella's STRIDER Bike). We had a blast. But I knew the lighting would be horrible so I didn't bother lugging my big camera there!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I can't decide which I like better again...

What do you think?

Monday, February 18, 2013


We are puppy-sitting my sister's dog this week.  So I had to get at least some photographical evidence that she and my dogs do get alone...LOL!

I actually only intended for Sunny (the little one) to be in the shot.  I told her to lay down and Bennie (the black one) decided that command was for him too.  So this is where he picked to lay down.  Cute huh?

And a few extras...

Apparently Sunny's bed is a popular place to be these days!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Ok, this one is a total cheat.  I only took one picture today and it was completely out of focus...and I'm not posting it.  Trust are thankful.

Instead, I am posting this one I took a couple days ago of my hubby's car project.  He asked me to get some picture of it before they shipped it off to be painted.

I'm sure with all of your vast car knowledge you already knew that this is a '63 Corvette.  (I kid, I kid)

It may not look like much now but when it's done it's going to be pretty "kewl."  (Hey, it's 11:59.  I get slap happy when I'm this tired.)

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Today we went to the local children's science museum with some friends.  We all had a great time.  I didn't end up getting any super great pictures.  This is partly because I really wanted to have fun with everyone but also due to the fact that there were 10,000 children running around, there was poor lighting pretty much everywhere, and I have a toddler who does not stop moving.  I think that pretty much sums it up.

I did manage to get one cute snapshot of my gorgeous friend and her adorable little girl.  

Friday, February 15, 2013


I know I'm a day late with the Valentine's pictures...but I just didn't get around to taking a picture yesterday until bedtime.  Ah well, better a day late than never!   

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Wow, she must be at a really intense part of her book...LOL!

ISO1600  30mm  f/1.8  1/60sec

This look is totally her saying, "Are you STILL taking pictures of me?  Can't a girl read in peace in here?"

ISO1600  30mm  f/1.8  1/160sec

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I was so happy to be able to spend the whole day with my sweet girl after working all weekend.  Even though she is sick, she was still in good spirits and we had lots of fun!  We never even made it out of our PJ's.  

Considering how much I missed her this weekend, she got a lot of extra mommy hugs and kisses today!

ISO400  30mm  f/2.5  1/20sec
ISO400  30mm  f/2.5  1/20sec

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013


Our hospital's brand new pediatric burn room and tub.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


A few iPhone pictures of a pretty sunrise!

I love how the shadow of our cherry tree showed on our house. I didn't edit these pictures at all.


This picture is cheating (I took it a couple days ago) but since I didn't want to post a crappy ya go!  I really liked how this one turned out, especially considering we were using the timer.  I was letting Ella push the shutter button and then she'd run back to jump in my lap, hence her big smile!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


My photo is pretty uninspiring today.  I was trying a couple things that weren't working out so well and then I spotted my daughter's swing.  It just looked lonely and sad in the bleak light at the end of the day.   That's pretty much how I feel about this picture.  It is lonely and sad.

I work all weekend (4 nights in a row) so there may be a few more lonely and sad images coming soon.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Despite being slightly out of focus... 

(seriously what is my problem?  I've really been having a hard time getting anything sharply focused lately.)

I love this shot.  I just might have to get this one printed to put on the mantel. I love this little girl so much!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013



I am such a non-mess loving person.  I don't like my hands/face/clothes to be sticky/icky/gross, etc.  Letting her play with stuff like Play.doh, paints, etc goes against everything in my nature, LOL!  

However, I do want her to have a creative/high sensory outlet (and of course she LOVES to do all those things, she has no problem with messes) so I overcome this by just strapping her into her high chair and putting her in a super bib or super smock!  The best (cheapest) ones I've found so far have been at I.kea.  This was the most "into" Play.doh that she's been so far.  We played for at least 45 minutes or so.

ISO1600  50mm  f/2.2  1/200 sec  (Limb Chop...I know)

ISO1600  50mm  f/2.2  1/200 sec

ISO1600 50mm  f/2.2  1/250 sec

Monday, February 4, 2013


Bennie...the sweetest dog I have ever known!
ISO1600  50mm  f/2.2  1/25sec

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013


We spent the morning at the International Motorcycle Show.  We are not big motorcycle people but we wanted to take our daughter to try out her Strider bike at the Strider Adventure Zone.  She LOVED it.  After she played on the track for awhile, we were allowed to let her ride around as we walked to check out the exhibits.  Let's just say that STRIDER got some amazing free advertising from our little one.  She was oblivious but everyone she rode by was checking her out!  She was riding around like she owned the place...LOL!  Too cute!  

ISO1600  50mm  f/2.2  1/400sec

Friday, February 1, 2013


Ella and Mike playing blocks!  I love these because of how special these two people are to me!

ISO6400  50mm  f/3.5  1/50sec

ISO3200  50mm  f/3.5  1/30sec